Monday, November 4, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.  For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods. -Palm 95: 2-3

Alright so Sunday got skipped! Big surprise, like most Church-going families Sunday can be interesting especially with two little bugs like Evie and Tabi! We recently instituted a rule banning electronic devices until Sunday afternoon (the one exception being appropriate music as we get ready for Church.) We needed to find a way to make Sunday more pleasant and God honoring and realized we were getting glued to our 3DS, Kindle, smartphone, internet instead of preparing ourselves and our girls for the day. And once we get home we usually head for naps and letting our minds relax. However Sunday is probably the morning when I most need to reflect on God's blessings, I did and will include what I came up with today.

Sunday, November 3rd:
1. An extra hour to get ready, yay!
2. Living in a country with the freedom to go to church.
3. Family to spend Sunday afternoons with.
4. Sunday afternoon naps.
5. YouTube, to help me learn to sew on the machine I am borrowing from my Mother-In-Law (there was an interesting episode figuring out how to lock the bobbin into the machine.)

Evie's thanks: seeing cousin Kayla at church

Monday, November 4th:
1. Tabi's grins and giggles when she sees me at the side of her crib
2. Opening Evie's door in the morning to a big smile and a "good morning!"
3. Warm blankets
4. Being able to text with my husband throughout the day
5. God's daily provision for our family

Evie's thanks: "movies!"

So now for the rest of my day, my big project today will be organizing my desk into a craft/ sewing desk. I also plan on making some Morning Glory mini muffins for Evie's breakfast for the week, enchilada's for dinner tonight, continuing the never-ending cycle of laundry, exercise video during nap time, cleaning Evie's room and of course fitting in some cuddle and play time with my sweet girls. Oh the lazy life of a stay-at-home mom!

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